
  • This blog does not necessarily represent the views/opinions of Peace Corps and is only a sharing of my personal experiences.

Sunday, August 3, 2014


I am slowly starting to write in a journal.  At some point, I hope to write as often as once every day or two.  It is a great way for me to record what happens each day, no matter how big or small, good or bad.  It is also a great way for me to think about and reflect things that I feel the need to record, but I am either not able to share with others or wish to keep to myself.

I am learning that journaling is a great outlet when frustrated, stressed, sad, etc.  It is also a great think to have just for myself.  There are days in which something frustrating happens or something good happens.  I am realizing that writing things out in a journal is a great way for me to hash things out or a good way to record something small that happens that makes me smile or just makes my day so much better than it was.

Journaling can be extremely therapeutic and do so much good for me as a person as well as for my growth while here in Ethiopia.  As a side note, if you want to mail me something and are not sure what to send, send a journal or two!  Trust me, it will go to good use!  There are journal entries that I am willing to share and post on my blog so that you all can see how my growth and change are reflected in the journal entries.  There are entries that also talk about small experiences I have.  There are some journal entries that I may not be able to share until after I finish my two-year service and return to America.

But I love the idea of journaling and hope to increase the amount of writing I do in my journal over the next two years.  There will be some things that I write for myself, but there will be things that I will write that I want to share.  Give it time, and there will come a time in the near future when there will be journal entries worth sharing.

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