
  • This blog does not necessarily represent the views/opinions of Peace Corps and is only a sharing of my personal experiences.

Monday, May 4, 2015

Taking Risks & Trying New Things

Over the past year in Ethiopia, I have grown a lot and am much more willing to take risks and try new things.  I do have to give some credit to the friends that I have made here.  They have definitely helped in pushing my limits and helping me grow.  I have been able to push the limits of my comfort zone.

Looking back at where I was at ten years, five years, and even one or two years ago, I would have never thought that I would have been able to do or handle things that are now no problem for me at all.  Such things include being able to handle traveling around a country that is not my own by myself and be fine, dying my hair, and even being willing to make myself look absolutely ridiculous sometimes.  Even a few years ago, I wouldn't necessarily be willing to do something if there was a chance of me looking ridiculous.

These are things that I have gained throughout my experience thus far and know (at least hope) that I will take back with me when I move back to the states and ultimately are making me a better person.  Despite how difficult this experience has been and how badly I do wish sometimes that I could finish my service early and come back to America, I am extremely grateful for how this experience has changed me in good ways.

Side note for any future potential volunteers:  To be frank, Peace Corps is not for everyone.  But if Peace Corps is something you are serious in trying, it is worth trying.  For some people, it might be clear if Peace Corps is the right choice.  But for many people, it is not clear until you start your service.  If you are seriously thinking about trying Peace Corps, try it.  In my personal experience, it has been an overall good experience for me.  Some people only have a negative experience, but there was no way for them until they tried.  So go for it, take the risk in at least trying the experience.

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