
  • This blog does not necessarily represent the views/opinions of Peace Corps and is only a sharing of my personal experiences.

Monday, December 14, 2015

Sending Mail to Ethiopia.

Hi all...

This post is particularly important if you have ever sent me anything via mail.  Since my service will be coming to a close in a few months, I wanted to give you an update.

For packages:  I really don't need any more packages at this point because I only have a few months left.  But if you feel so inclined to send one, please make sure that you send it by mid February.  Packages take on average, about a month to reach me.  If you send a package any later than mid-February, it is very possible that I will not receive it before I leave.

For letters:  Letters, you can send a bit later because they take less time to get to me.  I would say, send letters no later than the beginning of March.  If letters are sent to me at the beginning of March, the hope would be that I received them a few weeks before I finish my service.

Also, keep in mind that my last day in Ethiopia will be April 6.  I will most likely be closing my PO box about a week or so prior to this date.  So I will most likely be closing my PO box one of the last days of March.

As I have said many times before, thank you all so much for your continuing support!

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