Here is my third post of photos from Ethiopia!
Photo #1: #Unexpected
Despite what you may go into an experience expecting (or perhaps going in with no expectations at all), there will be unexpected things that happen (and I won't lie: there will be both good and bad unexpected things that happen). Unexpected things will happen with any new experience. To be honest, it's unavoidable. But take it for what it's worth. If it's a good thing, then great. You just had an unexpected good experience and it made your overall experience that much better. If it's a bad thing, then take it as it is given. Learn from it and grow from it.
Tej, a local Ethiopian alcohol #unexpected |
One unexpected thing that came from my two year experience in Ethiopia are the friendships that were formed. I am extremely grateful for the friends that I have made and the close, long lasting bonds I have made with people. I consider many of them family and know that I can count on them when I need them.
Photo #2: #Elegance
Elegance can be hard to come by and difficult to find. I have also learned that elegance can take many shapes and forms and mean something different to everyone.
A church in Lalibela #Elegance |
There is a place in Ethiopia called Lalibela. This town is full of churches that are built completely from stone. The builders actually carved the churches out of the stone and rather than building from bottom to top, they began by "sculpting" the churches from the top down. I can't imagine the elegance of the skill these builders (or sculptors) must have had to have had in order to create these beautiful churches.
Photo #3: #Peace
With all that comes with comes with the Peace Corps experience (and with being a foreigner living in a country like Ethiopia) peace can be hard to come by at times. When constantly trying to find work in a place that has such a vastly different work ethic than your own and vastly different culture and style of living (in addition to the daily harassment), sometimes finding peace is not even a possibility.
#Peace |
Sometimes, I have had to find the simple things in life to help remind myself to try to be at peace with myself. Whether it's taking a day to stay at home and watch television shows all day or taking a walk down an isolated path and experience nature and all that it has to offer, the most important kind of peace that I first need to find in my life is the peace within myself. I have learned that if I am unable to be at peace with myself, I cannot be happy with myself and how my life is. Inner peace needs to be found in order for you to be able to have a much greater positive impact on the world around you.
One of the few pools in Ethiopia. #Peace |
And sometimes when all else fails, you just have to find one of the few pools in Ethiopia and take the time you need to relax in order to find that sense of peace that you need.
Photo #4: #Light
I never really came to appreciate light and what it is until I lived in Ethiopia for two years. Prior to my life in Ethiopia, I saw light as an every day normal thing.
#Light |
Very rarely did I ever experience a black out in the states. In Ethiopia though, it is common for electricity to go out on a daily basis. Depending on where you are in Ethiopia, it is common for electricity to go out and not come back on for days (sometimes even weeks). Due to this, I became so more appreciative of light and the importance that it has in our lives. Without light, we would not be able to do all that we need to do throughout our days. Without electricity, we could not (or it would be much more difficult) to do things such as cooking meals and charging our cell phones, laptops, etc. If we did not even have light that comes from candles and even from the sun, I couldn't imagine how much more difficult life would be in general. Despite all of the challenges that came from living as a volunteer in Ethiopia for two years, I have learned so much and am so much more grateful and appreciative for all the good things that I have available to me in the states.
#OutAndAbout #BloggingAbroad #Unexpected #Elegance #Peace #Light